yeah you just go from town to town and the story is individually contained within each location lol
what is a good example of story interacting with an open world game?
how long ago was this changed roughly?
umm what do you mean
i'm so twisted a silly straw is just a straw to me
looking for a roommate is so weird.. so many of these people are like Yes I will never use the living room, and also never have friends over. I am invisible. I dont know if it's literally 100% an act to seem like the perfect roommate, or is it possible that these guys are not okay...?
is it faster to check your profile now? i just tried and it was pretty quick, maybe im late to this update
im looking for a roommate right now and theres at least 2 socialists in the running. is that a good requirement for a roommate
i know its taboo to say, but i dont really have a one who got away. it is more like a small village
I'm like the ugly hilarious friend except im very pretty
man modern life is so crazy. sometimes ill really get stuck into a hobby, and i genuinely don't know if i prefer it. its really nice being able to do your fun hobby, but when the rest of ur life feels like painstakingly fulfilling all your obligations to get to those 2 hrs of bliss... idk almost makes me prefer not enjoying anything all that much
the lathe of heaven is the first book in a long time that has been engaging the whole time. good job
im glad we realized firm toothbrushes are not good for ur teeth, however now i dont know how to clean the nooks in my shower
im kind of conflating it with people who post an outfit and the go
jacket: thrifted
top: thrifted
belt: thrifted
pants: thrifted
shoes: thrifted
like there's just no damn way none of those have a tag lmao. theyre just bragging!
I hate when i ask where someone got something and they say they thrifted it. That's great and all, but I'm asking how I can get the same thing. Can you check the tag please? I dont think my same thrift store will have the same item you thrifted, personally
im not close with him and definitely dont care to be.
like literally /pol/ brained MAGA train, he looks alt and he does hide it but no he really is
when you're getting a tattoo you should be able to get a haircut as well. and maybe your nails done. and an MRI if youre in the market