• Madcat [any]
    2 years ago

    Can someone tell me how I report a threat to the police ? In a month where people were shot and killed in Scotland, on a day where a child has been shot and killed in Liverpool, a man with a firearm making threats against people like me needs to be taken seriously. I know it's not a 999 matter, but terroristic threats this close to home (I am English born but live in Wales) need to be taken seriously. How many times could early intervention have stopped a major incident from happening later ? At the very least, the firearm (whatever it's designation) should be removed from this deranged individual and he should be psychologically evaluated to ensure he is not a threat to the public.

    People down-marking this comment ? Sums up the people who support this thug and his party, I suppose.


  • Madcat [any]
    2 years ago

    I think you've got the nationalists on to you. They claim to be all progressive and open-minded, but deep down nationalism always manifests itself like this. Same with the SNP, same with UKIP. Ultimately nationalism / separatism has to reach this point, people have to be 'othered', in order to create the bogeymen to rail against.

    unionists love to compare scottish and welsh nationalism to enlgish/british nationalism as if hating muslims is in any way equivalent to hating the english (which scottish and welsh nationalists don't even. they just make jokes about english people and they're so sensitive they have to call "racism")

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    :sicko-wholesome: fiery welsh independence dudes? are we gonna get them independent too?