Honestly hilarious imo

"What a spiteful little bitch you are Putin." - Ritaredditonce +2900

"I'm starting to think this Putin guy might be a bit of a twat." - RudigherJones +413


EDIT - Also I'd like to thank y'all for the amazing thread we've got going here. Real mix of comedy and quality discourse on the material situation

    • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
      2 years ago


      A Marxist lens does not require any morality whatsoever, and the injection of it vulgarizes its analysis. You start thinking in utopian judgments, such as your earlier comment imagining that all nations could be anti-imperialist in a world system of imperialist capitalism. This is not possible and is a utopian dream.

      Imperialism isn’t defeated by the imperialists deciding to knock it off after they have been scolded for being naughty and have a change of heart. It’s ended by the movement of history and violent struggle by the forces and interests opposed to it, and by its own contradictions.

      At this current point in time, the Russian federation is one of the most powerful forces opposed to the empire and is therefore by definition de facto anti-imperialist. No mind reading, ideology or anything else required just brute facts and interests