Honestly hilarious imo

"What a spiteful little bitch you are Putin." - Ritaredditonce +2900

"I'm starting to think this Putin guy might be a bit of a twat." - RudigherJones +413


EDIT - Also I'd like to thank y'all for the amazing thread we've got going here. Real mix of comedy and quality discourse on the material situation

  • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Its funny the longer you're exposed to the reality of what happened during the 20th century, you realize the degree to which most cultures around the world simply could not understand the degree of cold, calculated, sociopathic supremacy the US would fall in line with, time after time. The US, and really the west in general, is and has been under a spell of supremacy culture based violence that's shaped the world for thousands of years. The US was the end result of all of this, "manifest destiny" and the great purge and ransack of the entire newly "discovered" continent was a shock of a scale humanity had not yet seen, and has not seen since. Hitler could only dream of emulating the project of north america. All the western "opponents" of the past hundred years have all made the fatal mistake of overestimating our humanity. The western project is not one of humanism, and never was.

    Probably totally tangent from your point, but 🤷‍♀️