With the reports saying that the younger generations have increased rates of IBS, suspected to be because of the abundance of microplastics in our environment, I figured I’d ask how many you have IBS?
I have IBS
With the reports saying that the younger generations have increased rates of IBS, suspected to be because of the abundance of microplastics in our environment, I figured I’d ask how many you have IBS?
I have IBS
I have severe Crohn's Disease. I got it at 14 years old. My highschool Latin IV class had 8 students, and 3 with diagnosed Crohn's Disease. Typically this disease is considered hereditary and appears in older jewish men. We grew up near a military base with buried ordnance....
There's an army research lab in my hometown thats adjacent to a local pond where people like to swim. My friend's mom grew up in my town, and her high school class has 10x the average rate of MS (including her).