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  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    separate from anything she actively did, she was the figurehead who - every day of her reign - legitimised possibly the most blood-drenched empire that has ever existed. so much theft, so much death, so much misery, and she more than anyone helped to sweep it all under the rug by putting a polite smiling face on the legacy of centuries of imperial brutality.

    oh but she didnt do any of those atrocities herself? how can you blame her? she could have abdicated, she could have used her position to speak out against it, demanded reparations, decolonisation, dismantling of the remains of empire (and an end to the atrocities that were still going on during her reign), given away her stolen wealth, so many things. but she did none of that, she smiled and waved and lived a life of luxury while whitewashing unimaginable atrocity. every day of her reign as the chief propagandist for the disgusting british empire she made it harder for the colonised people of the world to ever find justice


    • SaniFlush [any, any]
      2 years ago

      It's too late for England to be forgiven, but it's never too late for England to give the fucking land back.