The United States has collapsed after a long and bloody peoples protracted war and is now called the Decolonized States of North Turtle Island, all land has been returned to the descendants of indigenous and enslaved people, Mexico, Canada, and Cuba still exist as communist states and used the collapse to annex much of the former United States’ territory, hundreds of millions died, quality of life in the Decolonized States of North Turtle Island is lower than that of post WW2 Germany, but overall the situation is improving and the rest of the world’s living standards have gone up. Monuments to the old regime are torn down and replaced by works of art dedicated to revolutionary heros, in the Black Hills of Dakota sits what was once called Mount Rushmore, the faces of the men who used to adorn that mountain have now been replaced with the most important figures of leftism, EVER! Vaush, Hasan, Keffals, and Contrapoints’ faces adorn this mountain forever etched in stone, staring blanking onto the throngs of tourists who have come to give their entire life savings to these great revolutionary heros, their contributions are immeasurable and their importance understated to furthering the global revolutionary struggle, truly no greater people have existed than these four, children thousands of years into the future will listen to holotapes of the great breadtubers in their theory classes.

(Editors note Zyzek (zyzik?) was executed by firing squad after being confused with Jordan Peterson (sniffles))