• ToastGhost [he/him]
    2 years ago

    sorry we have to wait until after we lose power to try and do anything

      • pink_mist [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Let all those lame ducks tell us what they really think about us.

  • Kanna [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Lmao they're really doing everything they can to say "please don't vote for us"

    Love when my rights are held hostage!

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    2 years ago

    They're delaying it since they can't find 10 GOP votes for it. I think they should put it on the floor knowing it'll fail since that would be good for them politically. But Baldwin thinks that in two months she can find the votes .

    If she sincerely thinks that then I guess it's better to give it a real shot than to let it fail this week to make the Republicans look bad.

    I think reading the headline most would assume it's a delay to next to year and the next Senate. But as I unstand it's a delay to November with the current Senate

      • HamManBad [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It would still be critical support, unless you're going full blue maga

      • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
        2 years ago

        In this case I think they're trying to get 10 Republicans on board. The delay is till right after the midterm elections but with this current congress.

        I think the idea is that a Republican might not vote yes now if it has a chance to hurt them with the Republican voters. It probably won't help them so strategically it is not worth voting yes. If it is after the election it matters less (voters will forget it before the next election)

          • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
            2 years ago

            I think they might be 10 Republican Senators who are in favor of codifying gay marriage personally. I'm not sure if they would be willing to cross the majority of their party to vote yes though.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Can the Dems gain 10 seats from the midterms?

        The states that currently have Republicans but aren't rated as Safe R are Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah*, and Wisconsin.

        So even if they somehow defend all their seats and pick up those seats, that's still not 10.

        * There's not even a Democrat running. The state party chose not to nominate but instead endorse Evan McMuffin's independent run. He's already said he won't caucus with either party if he wins.

  • InvaderZinn [he/him]
    2 years ago

    They're going to be voted to irrelevance anyway, why not pass same-sex marriage as a final middle finger to America?

    • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think that's why they're trying to have it after the election but still in this legislative session. They need more Republican votes and they might be able to get some from people who lost their elections.

      Also a Republican who just won their election won't need to be re-elected for 6 years. So if they vote yes this year it'll be long forgotten

  • Deadend [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It’s like they don’t want people to know where they stand.