They're not relevant in the slightest IRL.

Anyone want to explain why I see so much shit about patsocs in every online leftist space, all of which is totally divorced from things people actually give a shit about IRL?

It seems there's this trend where some patsocist says something absurd online -> everyone rushes to dunk/criticize/make fun of it -> the patsoc's message gets amplified to the millionth degree. Do content creators not realize that shitting out 500 videos/threads/posts/etc dunking on something that only exists online is only going to amplify it further?

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Eh, Maupin was caught sexually abusing people and trying to form a sex cult. It's more real than you think. The LaRouchites, in particular, are very, very real. You shouldn't see the patsocs as a bunch of terminally online losers (which they are), but the LaRouchites adapting to modern politics, which is stepped in online culture. LaRouche himself had connection with the feds, which explains why patsocs, like the rest of the LaRouchites, act like feds as well.

    The LaRouchites have been around since the 60s. And they are doing now what they did then: to lead people who understand why capitalism sucks away from revolutionary politics. Unlike more open fascists like neonazis, they cloaked their reaction with leftish sounding slogans. But keep in mind that the original Italian fascists and nazis themselves were cloaking their reaction with leftish sounding slogans as well.