From a bazinga-rich family member, the kind that likes to dangle money at the poors by making them try to jump through hoops and otherwise kiss his ass, and otherwise pretend to be a "philanthropist" while not actually giving any actual money to the poors:

"I hate how game companies pander to lazy people with shit hardware! I have a cutting edge battlestation in my man cave and almost no game comes close to using its full potential!" :wojak-nooo:

  • cogito_ergo_cum [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Was talking to a relative the other day and somehow Falun Gong came up, and I mentioned they were a cult and basically believed the Chinese government wanted to harvest their organs because their pratices made them pure. He was like "yeah haha, but they're not exactly wrong about the organ harvesting tho" and then started looking for some news article he remembered having read about organ harvesting of Uyghurs that he couldn't find in the end. I guess he was talking about Falun Gong's "independent tribunal?" Basically everyone around me seems to harbor some vague feeling that China is doing Bad Things far beyond what any other country does.

    Even in the more leftist newspapers in my language there is zero pushback against the western imperialist narrative in general.