
(The popcorn is buttered or not depending on the viewer of this post)

Edit: what have I done :oh-shit:

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    i mean yeah i dont hate on people that are vegan, its just in order to make society vegan you are gonna have to do a huge material push and if you have alternatives that makes it far easier. im not vegan myself but 85% of the time i functionally am vegan due to ptsd and anxiety making me rely on prefab meal replacement shakes which tend to be vegan. other times its usually like, milk or eggs or beans or something cheap like that because im not the richest. cooking just really takes it out of me.

    and of course relying on individual decisions to end an industry has never worked ever. and neither has a fully vegan society existed, not that it precludes it. if vegan meal replacement shakes didnt exist id be mostly drinking milk. its a material thing for me.