Link to reddit thread that sparked this question.

  • FidelCastro [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That thread is a bunch of the same reactionaries who were upset when Hasan said "cracker". It's also weird you didn't give context that this is specifically in relation to Hasan Piker doing "something"? Can you summarize whatever that comments section is malding about?

    • FidelCastro [he/him]
      2 years ago

      After briefly skimming the :reddit-logo: comments, it looks like Hasan Piker called Destiny a gusano. He would be correct.

      from the comments:

      i mean, destiny is not even from cuba, he has cuban heritage + he's a leftist. I feel like the only reason somebody would use that slur against him would be because he has cuban heritage, which is absolutely weird coming from people that go really hard against using slurs towards minorities, but idk.

      there is no reality where destiny is a leftist. Destiny is a transphobic nazi who most recently threatened to dox a trans activist's family. Destiny is an anti-communist.

      My only critique of Hasan here is that he interacted with Destiny at some point.

      I'm not digging into this further because it's a waste of time, but someone else can if they care. Still strange that OP would post this question without any context (aside from a throwaway link most people won't click on).

      • LibsEatPoop [any]
        2 years ago

        Destiny is not a leftist at all. That's just something his fans call him when it comes to defending him from attacks from actual leftists (like hasan). Otherwise, they completely side with lauren southern and nick fuentes and other literal actual fascists who Destiny pals around with.

        They want to "claim" that Destiny is a leftist so that the only reason why someone would call him a gusano would be as a slur against his heritage - when in actuality it is because of his reactionary beliefs.

        • FidelCastro [he/him]
          2 years ago

          we agree. sorry for throwing a red flag at first, carry on.


      • FidelCastro [he/him]
        2 years ago

        you can watch the video in question to see a nazi complain about "being canceled" and then rant about cumtown / chapo trap house.

        the nazi's has a very annoying voice, so I closed the window after a couple seconds.

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      2 years ago

      I just added the link cuz that's what sparked the question. I was browsing LSF and saw the thread among all the other drama (that's summarized here). It really has no bearing on anything else (other than being the thing that led me to ask the question).