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  • Nephron [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Listen up you vegans, I know eating vegan is more expensive, takes more time, is incredibly unhealthy, and is complicated as hell. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to change that

    -Here is a recipe-

    Did you know you can cook lentils in a rice cooker? Did you know you can cook lentils in a rice cooker at the same time as rice?


    -1/3 Cup dry rice

    -1/3 Cup Dry red split lentils

    -1/2 cup of vegetable stock

    -1 cup of water


    1. Put all ingredients in a rice cooker.

    2. Press start

    3. That's it

    Obviously this could be done in a pot on a stove if you don't have a rice cooker, just follow your normal process for cooking rice. You can add some sauce for flavour at the end if you wish, hot sauce or sweet chili or something.

    Prep time: Hours I assume

    Cooking time: probably a couple days?

    Nutrition: Like all vegan meals this has zero protein, and is lacking in many essential nutrients. High in inflammation and anti-nutrients

    Cost: You are going to have to get a payday loan to afford the ingredients for this one folks. Thats is if you can even find these specialty ingredients in the food deserts we all live in

    • MF_BROOM [he/him]
      2 years ago

      But for real, I get really fucking tired of this discourse.

      "Veganism is more expensive/privileged" completely ignores the huge production cost of meat, from the plants and water used to feed the cows (pound per pound, beef is much more water-exhaustive than plants, and obviously many more pounds of plants go into the pounds of meat an animal "produces"), to the costs of clearing land/building factory farms, etc. The only reason meat and dairy are within the price point of a lot of people in the west is because they are massively subsidized--they have to be in order to be market viable since it's naturally an incredibly inefficient use of resources.

        • MF_BROOM [he/him]
          2 years ago

          silly vegoon, of course the most meat-heavy countries are also the most democratic, meat is freedom, and freedom is democracy. :so-true: