• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    These people don't seem to be grasping that a recession is the GOAL to push inflation down

    "You can't fix the economy by hurting people—but that's exactly what the Fed chose today," Groundwork Collaborative added. "Throwing millions out of work won't address the root causes of inflation and we implore policymakers to remember that #WeAreTheEconomy—not Wall Street and wealthy corporations."

    'The economy' as far as much of the US knows or cares is the DOW. Joe Biden and Jerome Powell would step over you if you were dying on the sidewalk.

    Biden thinks this idiotic system truly works, so good luck convincing him to do anything that would subvert it, and Powell is a central banker who is pulling the most obvious lever he has.

    Many of these people seem to be operating under the misapprehension that this is ACCIDENTAL. "Oh no Jerome, you'll make people unemployed" THAT'S THE POINT, they plan on driving down spending by making everyone too goddamn poor to buy shit. Fucking stop playing nice with these ghouls, they would fucking flay the skin off of you if they could do it legally and sell it

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      what's crazy is it will technically hurt businesses too but i think this is also intentional. the big businesses with the big donors and megabilloniares will be fine in fact will come out on top as usual. plus this is telegraphed so far ahead they have plenty of time to reshuffle now and prepare for controlled layoffs to keep those shareholder dividends flowing. small busineses and corps will shutter, exactly as planned, proletarianizing more petty boug and leaving plenty of discount assets for the big players to scoop up. i wonder if recessions have been scary for these guys at all in the last 70 years now or just seen as opportunities.

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Depends on the sector and impact. Companies which make items/services that are largely inelastic can see it as a boon; and ones which are looking to 'diversify their portfolio' would certainly see it that way, since any companies they'd be trying to acquire would have lower price tags due to deflated stock prices+lowered asset values.

        On the other hand, higher interest rates makes borrowing harder, and a lot of companies saw loans as (nearly) free money for ages, since interest rates have been so low for so long; some companies would just borrow money and then simply beat the (low) interest rate for free money. So I'm sure quite a few are pissed those money pools are drying up.

        • LiberalSocialist [any,they/them]
          2 years ago

          This was a really interesting comment thread, btw. Can you recommend some additional reading/videos/podcasts etc. to learn more?

          • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            Unfortunately not from my personal experience; I had the misfortune of getting an advanced degree as a bean counter, so I was taught much of this, and textbooks are extremely dry and neglect to connect much of the reasoning behind the framework, or for that matter even having examples outside of a vacuum with 'completely elastic supply and demand' (l m a o) as it were for things such as econ.

            I have heard good things about some of Richard Wolff's work, in particular "Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian", but I'll leave it to others to comment on that particular piece.

          • duderium [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Aside from Richard Wolff who is mentioned below, I recommend Michael Roberts (https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/) and Michael Hudson (https://michael-hudson.com/). None of them are perfect but they all have interesting takes on economics.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      ‘The economy’ as far as much of the US knows or cares is the DOW.

      I remember back in 2006, when everyone on TV was singing Bush's praises for boosting the economy despite the net jobs added per year being below the population growth rate.

      We've come so far from the glorious Jobless Recovery. Now we're actively trying to sabotage the jobs market at the cost of recession.