Currently in the capitalist west, people who have a large sway over how society is run display a disturbing lack of competence.

I mean, Trump and Bidens teams have both been in control of the most expensive military in the world. So they understand the long term impact of launching a nuke? I doubt it.

Elon Musk is in control of a huge electric car company. Doe he understand (or care) how to safely manage lithium? Mining? Is he even an engineer? He also controls the largest social media platform in the world, yet it's pretty clear he doesn't know (or maybe care) how to responsibly manage it.

What do you think? Should people have to be well educated in what they're in charge in? Should they have to display competence or be fired?

In a capitalist society, it might be elitist to say it, but in a society where education is free and everyone's needs are met? I think peoples competentcy in a wide range of disciplines should be highly scrutinized if they're going to be in control of something that affects everyone.

You wouldn't want someone operating on you if they weren't a certified surgeon, right?

What do you think? What should the prerequisites for power be?

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 months ago

      My time has come. Do not worry, shortstacks. I will lead us to a glorious new future of prosperity, freedom, and ceiling fans that by regulation must be at least 9 feet from the ground for safety reasons.

    • AernaLingus [any]
      3 months ago

      Boban seems like a nice fellow, so I could get behind this