6 hours monitored, 3.5 hours slept, 25 lapses into apnea. In deep sleep the rate practically doubles for me.

Diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea, as they said the line for severe with that duration was 30. I’m genuinely relieved that I know it’s not a habit-centric issue causing this. Also may play a part in the amount of stress I’ve had trying to stay on top of my junior year semesters, along with my ADHD. I AM NOT CRAZY chicanery lea-bounce

Getting a CPAP ordered and delivered. If you feel consistently tired throughout the day, look into a sleep study. Anyone can have sleep apnea, it’s not just an aging thing, I’m 20 and I just got diagnosed with it.

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    6 months ago

    CPAP gang!

    It's also not strictly a weight or obesity thing; I was diagnosed while I was still in pretty decent shape. Weight gain exacerbates it, but you can still be in the "severe" category while twink-adjacent and in your early twenties. I don't recommend it. I was getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep at a stretch, and kept having weirdly violent dreams just before I'd wake up half-suffocated. At the time, the only reason I found out was because while I was recovering from a surgery, every time they took me off oxygen and I fell asleep, my blood oxygen levels would dip into the low 80s and the monitor alarms would go off because I was "dying." When the docs got me dialed in on a CPAP at my sleep study, I didn't want to wake up. I was pissed that they only let me sleep with that on for maybe an hour. lol

    • WhyEssEff [she/her]
      6 months ago

      oh yeah I'm also built like a twig, it's definitely not just a weight thing