Click the tabs on the top of the webpage and look for your console to find your ROMs.
Inspired by that thread from the other day. I hope this thread inspires anyone who wanted to get into retro games to consider emulation instead of 5000$ scalped disks and consoles. This site maybe doesn't have the fastest downloads but it makes emulation sooo easy for anyone hesitating!
Edit: thanks eveyone for the links!
More ROMs!
For PC games!
For Flash games!
Well, there's a reason why my phone emulated games are all turn based or just reading like in Ace Attorney, no chance in hell I'd be able to play supah Mario worl with touch screen :monke-beepboop:
I tried just that. Sure you can connect a DS4 to your phone but that's not really portable anymore now is it
Could you connect a single Switch joycon? Those could do anything that doesn't require two joysticks.
Don't have one of those. You'd still essentially have a very small portable combined television and console instead of a handheld