I'm immunocompromised and continuing to stay at home and single player games really help me get through it. I've played a lot of games (especially the past 2.5 years), so dig deep and give me a good recommendation that you don't think I've played.

I'm into most genres, but not super into loot games or ubisoft open world style games. Love smaller indie titles. I love some JRPGs (Trails, DQ11, Yakuza, FF), hate others (Persona). Yeah I just said I hate persona, get over it. BoTW , Death Stranding, and Elden Ring are some of my favorite "big" games recently. The Trails JRPG series is probably my favorite overall series.

I just finished up Return to Monkey Island and really liked it (was a big fan of LucasArts adventures in the 90s), but I can't play back to pack point and click games so maybe cool off on that.

Been playing a lot of Ooblets while working out lately, so probably not gonna be receptive to any Animal Crossing / Stardew style games rn. Btw check out Ooblets if you like those kinds of games.

  • macabrett
    2 years ago

    Hollow Knight, Celeste, Hades, Outer Wilds, Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium.

    These are all very good suggestions! Maybe I should finally get around to Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium. Anyone here know if Disco's console port is an alright way to play?

    And I bought Kor, forgot to install it, and forgot to play it. Damn my ADHD. I'll check out our comrade's game!

    • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Maybe I should finally get around to Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium

      I'm pretty sure admitting to not having played Disco Elysium on this website is a bannable offense

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        ummm sweatie this is ableist i have adhd okay all that text is very scary okay

        (I'm just kidding I should absolutely play it)

        • silent_water [she/her]
          2 years ago

          yeah but the text is funny. bumbling your way into horrible situations by saying things you'd never say IRL in a million years is addiction-inducing.

    • le_fanbois [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Outer Wilds :meow-bounce:

      You owe it to yourself to go in as blind as possible. It's truly wonderful and really without comparison.

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        I need to do it. I need to dive in.

    • mittens [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I didn't play any of the Disco Elysium ports but I did play with a controller and a big TV and while not ideal, it was perfectly playable.