I don't think this is too doomerish for the doomer comm, but this is something I need to get off my chest.

I'm a bit of a manchild, I graduated but no one wants to hire me so I have no money. I am stuck in a dead end, only a dollar above minimum wage job because that is as far as my resume will take me. Employers claim that they are desperate for work but they are as picky as ever. Hell, with the recent fed shenanigans, they WANT be broke an unemployed because shareholders and porky can never take one for the team (unlike us disposable poors).

I can't afford rent anywhere, even in the tiny hick town I grew up in with literally NOTHING to do outside my shitty job, so that rules out getting out and meeting people, I never met anyone in college and all my childhood friends have forgotten about me. Sure, I can go to a place where there are things to do, but it's a 40 minute drive to the small city....and I have no friends so that really limits things. I'd love to move into a West Coast City or NYC, but those are absurdly expensive, but it also seems like that's where everyone is that I could be compatible with. Ironic, the cities that are supposedly good havens for misfits and outcasts are the most attractive to investors and thus have the highest property values.

I know I can't give up, I want to have friends, I want to live somewhere nice and do dumb webcomic-y stuff. But I can't help but think that said life has been stolen from me by wall street to feed porky's unending hunger. I'm still going to try to leave, so for people who are in these situations, what have you done to pull yourself out and if you're a 20-something in bumfuck nowhere, how the hell do you meet friends?

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    You're further along than I was and still am. I'm also living in the middle of nowhere with no degree whatsoever and making my living as a tradesman/farmer. A lot of what held me back in my 20's were mental health issues with my adhd being so bad that I could never get anything done. Medication helped to let me do what I wanted and made concentrating on my goals that much better.

    But my situation is a little different because I'm content living with my family and dating here and there. Our family network is huge so every other day is like a family reunion for us, and community is so big that everyone in my town is like an extended family member. But I'd say different forms of social media might help you to meet people from outside your area without having to put down a lot of money. Once you get out a job, you'd probably do well finding a social group somewhere. That might require driving out to the small city. Apps like Meetme are mixed but good places to start.

    Maybe look at a hobby you have and try to network with other people through that. For me it was sports and I joined local gyms that led me to making the friend group I have now.

    Also don't worry too much about relationships. This probably says more about me, but relationships carry a lot of drama in your 20's and can be incredibly taxing. Don't jump on the first person that seems interested. Take your time to avoid the worst outcome.