I don't think this is too doomerish for the doomer comm, but this is something I need to get off my chest.

I'm a bit of a manchild, I graduated but no one wants to hire me so I have no money. I am stuck in a dead end, only a dollar above minimum wage job because that is as far as my resume will take me. Employers claim that they are desperate for work but they are as picky as ever. Hell, with the recent fed shenanigans, they WANT be broke an unemployed because shareholders and porky can never take one for the team (unlike us disposable poors).

I can't afford rent anywhere, even in the tiny hick town I grew up in with literally NOTHING to do outside my shitty job, so that rules out getting out and meeting people, I never met anyone in college and all my childhood friends have forgotten about me. Sure, I can go to a place where there are things to do, but it's a 40 minute drive to the small city....and I have no friends so that really limits things. I'd love to move into a West Coast City or NYC, but those are absurdly expensive, but it also seems like that's where everyone is that I could be compatible with. Ironic, the cities that are supposedly good havens for misfits and outcasts are the most attractive to investors and thus have the highest property values.

I know I can't give up, I want to have friends, I want to live somewhere nice and do dumb webcomic-y stuff. But I can't help but think that said life has been stolen from me by wall street to feed porky's unending hunger. I'm still going to try to leave, so for people who are in these situations, what have you done to pull yourself out and if you're a 20-something in bumfuck nowhere, how the hell do you meet friends?

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I'm kind of in the same boat myself. I'm 36, never left home, dropped out of college due to suicidal depression, social anxiety, self-hatred, and severe, mostly-untreated ADHD (until recently). I'm obese, I've had expensive dental problems due to depressive self-neglect, suffered foot and knee damage from the shitty retail and grocery jobs and a cycling injury, and been in and out of therapy for roughly two decades. Been on and off various antidepressants, taking an ADHD drug that works for me, finally, and more recently getting ADHD-specific therapy and even group social skills training via Zoom to figure out exactly what the fuck I was doing wrong. (Turns out patience, gauging appropriate topics, and finding a properly-tuned level of interest to express was a lot of it, also getting control of my emotions.)

    After the absolute horror of 2020 working amongst entitled old white shitheads in a hoity-toity grocery store, with people who came in every day during the pathetically short lockdown we had, making me sick with COVID in November of that year, I finally decided I'd had enough and started seriously looking for new jobs. My brother was able to get me one at the car franchise he works at, doing clerical work in the signing office. It's the easiest and highest-paying job I've ever had, and only further reinforces the respect I have for bottom-rung menial laborers, and disdain for soft-handed managerial types. Even got a small raise recently.

    Thing is, even with my new income, I still have a mountain of medical/credit card debt that is crushing me with interest. My FICO score keeps wobbling down below the threshold where those balance transfer cards will even look at me, my credit card company pretty much tells me to go fuck myself when I try to work something out, and my mom has offered to pay off the debt for me in exchange for consistently paying her back... but I'm so anxious and depressed and paranoid that I'm afraid I'll lose my job or some shit and be unable to pay her back, and I'm too ashamed of myself to accept it anyway. Looking for an apartment is out of the question; my experience has been pretty consistent, namely searching for apartments within like 50 miles, seeing that the cheapest ones are like 90% of my income, feeling bad, and closing the browser.

    I'm trying to build myself up, psychologically, and undo all the damage that emotional neglect and rejection trauma and social isolation have done to me, find some way to become attractive enough to people, personally, to try dating, and dig up the corpses of my dreams that I let self-loathing kill for me. At the same time, I'm desperate to find some way to make extra money. I've been getting lots of compliments on my voice and even killing it at karaoke of late. I bought a mic to try training my voice and finding my strengths and weaknesses, and enjoying the experience of liking something about myself, without reservations, for the first time in my life. So I'd like to get into doing voice work of some sort, to make some extra scratch. I'm a decent enough writer, though I've never believed in myself enough to write something more than a few times. But I've considered exploring how lucrative doing paid erotic commissions for furries, because I know people who've earned some money doing that, and earned praise for, well, just writing weird furry porn myself.

    I'm also exhausted, shivering from the horrendous anxiety I've suffered at work the past two days due to poor sleep, and have a bit of a tendency to rant. TLDR version:

    How the fuck can I make some extra money while still having enough energy to work on personal growth and trying to seriously pursue my dreams for the first time, all while dealing with executive dysfunction so bad it has destroyed my life before now?

    Also not sure how I feel about this topic being the thing that makes me finally transition from being a lurker to a poster on a real communist internet shitposting internet board for shitposting. You guys seem pretty nice. Hope I'm not coming on too strong with this shit.

    • Parzivus [any]
      2 years ago

      How the fuck can I make some extra money while still having enough energy to work on personal growth and trying to seriously pursue my dreams for the first time, all while dealing with executive dysfunction so bad it has destroyed my life before now?

      I hate to be doomer but capitalism is not built for this to be possible. Some people are well off enough that they can pursue their goals without needing extra money, or even working at all, and a few people are just built different and can take the stress.

      I don't really want to tell you want to do, but I'd take the offer from your mom. It does suck that you're in that position at all, but she will almost certainly be more understanding of your position than banks/credit card companies, and it'll help your credit. I wouldn't have been able to take the path I did without the support of my parents either.
      Also, depending on the nature of the debt, many hospitals will help you manage the debt or at least lay off as long as you're attempting to pay. I've heard of people mailing a dollar every month just to fulfill that requirement. YMMV though.

      Also also, please get advice from other people because I definitely don't have enough experience to give life advice lol

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      2 years ago

      Also not sure how I feel about this topic being the thing that makes me finally transition from being a lurker to a poster

      You should feel like an honest and nuanced and interesting person, because you are.