:melon-musk: 's take is still the vague galaxy brained kind of take you'd expect from him, but it sure brought out the :LIB: in one of the few subreddits I was still managing to enjoy.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    2 years ago

    like people are wondering how do you convince ukraine, not even considering how WILD it would be for russia to accept losing at least 2 of those, i feel the more recent ones would be real likely to just go back, the other 2 are a bit harder to tell, but THEY REALLY WANT CRIMEA and i think they would actually choose that over the ukrainian land they took especially if this deal makes it is an official part of russia and ukraine or the us will not annoy them over it

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      That's kinda why I've thought basically since the beginning at least just let Russia have Crimea