Fr, if I had written something as stupid as the end of history, only for history to immediately come back and part 2 my ass, I would probably have the wherewithal to just shut the fuck up and take the L. But I guess that's why he gets paid the big bucks.
Considering just the prior predictions made by this numbskull, Russia will somehow take both Ukraine and all of Eastern Europe within 3 months without meaning to do so
Ignore my previous prediction that history was over. There's actually a lot more history coming in the next week.
US is a fascinating place. They essentially gaslight themselves into positions then hope their gaslighting comes true.
We haven't ruled out the possibility that he has a raging humiliation fetish.
I mean, the way things are going? It absolutely will happen. The entire European economic zone is under mounting pressure due to supply chain disruptions. Climate change is fucking everyone's shit up. The breadbasket of the Mediterranean is a live fire zone. We're seeing massive waves of migrants crossing various borders in order to escape the crisis.
It isn't delusional to believe Russia's facing a real civilization-shaking collapse. What's delusional is the assumption that they'll be the only domino that falls.
We're looking at the assassination of Francis Ferdinand and announcing "Serbia's in for a rough couple of years".
"The owner of the world's largest nuclear arsenal collapsing societally is something we should look forward to."