Can people do emotional labour for me an explain why China good and why China not bad?

I know all countries are going to have bad things going on, but why is China especially good and why is it not especially bad?

I really do want to believe that China good, and the following stuff isn't supposed to be an excuse for me to post "China bad" stuff here. Things I'm specifically worried about are Uyghur genocide, Mongolian cultural genocide, and prison labour. All I know about those is from American documentaries that are probably anti-Chinese propaganda, but they were really convincing and had video of the bad stuff. I work with a lot of Chinese people, and only one of them says that China is bad, and I believe him the least. He had a ridiculous story about people eating his dog and he looooves capitalism.

I know the US and Canada and probably all other places have had this same stuff and are just better at hiding it or excusing it now, so I'm starting out at a point where China seems no better or worse than any other country.

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    China's a state, of course it's bad. State's gotta state.

    Good stuff: Lifting a zillion people out of poverty. Rapidly building the infrastructure to lift more people out of poverty. Probably going to be the ones saving people on their side of the planet from climate change.

    Bad stuff: Suppressing dissent / journalists. No the fact that the CIA exists isn't an excuse you ridiculous goose. It's not necessary, it's just comforting to random people in power.

    Uyghur genocide: Doesn't seem to be a real thing, but there is a reeducation program for people suspected of falling for islamic terrorist ideologies. I'm not close enough to the problem to know if that's necessary, and if it is I absolutely do not know how to do it in a manner that won't be abused. I'll eat a live bear on webcam if they get through that without anyone abusing power.

    Mongolian cultural genocide: They replaced three Mongolian textbooks with ones in Mandarin. This is worth protesting, if you live in China or Mongolia. It might escalate if not resisted. Why is this getting so much more attention than injustices happening right under your nose? There might be a motivation behind that, you know.

    Stuff to put in perspective: Prison population, prison labor, suppressing journalists, etc is the same or worse in the US. What happened to Chelsea Manning exactly? Maybe you're criticizing China to figure out what you could do better when building your own communist movement, in which case this the US being bad is irrelevant. But if the context is US intervention, which is why China Bad is in the news so much lately, then maybe find a hero that's less shit than your villain first.