Can people do emotional labour for me an explain why China good and why China not bad?

I know all countries are going to have bad things going on, but why is China especially good and why is it not especially bad?

I really do want to believe that China good, and the following stuff isn't supposed to be an excuse for me to post "China bad" stuff here. Things I'm specifically worried about are Uyghur genocide, Mongolian cultural genocide, and prison labour. All I know about those is from American documentaries that are probably anti-Chinese propaganda, but they were really convincing and had video of the bad stuff. I work with a lot of Chinese people, and only one of them says that China is bad, and I believe him the least. He had a ridiculous story about people eating his dog and he looooves capitalism.

I know the US and Canada and probably all other places have had this same stuff and are just better at hiding it or excusing it now, so I'm starting out at a point where China seems no better or worse than any other country.

  • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hello, I'm Spanish and I live and study in China (currently I'm not in China because of the coronavirus btw). Want my honest take? I love China and in many ways it's much better than Western countries, but the world is not black and white like most of you Anglos see it. At the end of the day, the truth is that – like it or not – it has mostly good things, but also bad and ironic things.

    One of the things that annoy me the most it's how Westerners talk about China without knowing. China has problems and legitimate criticism can be done, but sadly what you hear about China it's usually not legitimate criticism, just lies and propaganda (e.j. fairytales about genocide, supremacy, debt diplomacy, control, etc). That's why the US is failing to reach Chinese people and it's in fact making them more nationalistic, because they don't understand the country nor know it's problems, they just make shit up. Their public it's not your average Chinese, but their domestic and international ignorant Western audience.

    To sum it up: most of the things you hear about China are lies, but there are problems too, no country it's perfect. We have to understand the conditions of China too, sometimes Western people fail to understand that the China of 50 years ago didn't look anything like current China. To put it in other way, my girlfriend's parents are poor farmers, while my girlfriend is a satellite engineer – that's China in a nutshell. The government it's surely addressing problems, but changes take time, especially when they are cultural and societal.

    Anyways, I will tell you the same thing I tell many people when they find it hard to believe that China is fine: visit the country and check it for yourself. It might be silly, but it's really the best way to know the truth. Also, I assure you, you will enjoy it, especially if you are a foodie.

    One last thing: I know I want to settle and spend the rest of my life in China – at least for the moment. Take that as you will.

    Edit: feel free to ask me anything