New research helps to explain the association between political conservatism and riskier pandemic lifestyles. According to new research published in Discover Social Science and Health, political conservatives tend to be less empathetic, hold more authoritarian beliefs, and feel less threatened by the pandemic, which in turn is associated with reduced adherence to COVID-19 health recommendations. ...
If liberals "believed the science" we'd have re-education camps for these assholes. But no, it's just freedom of speech to spread the plague.
if liberals believed the science they'd stop citing the CDC guidelines cause the CDC ain't been on the side of science this entire pandemic lmao
When they changed the isolation time before a sick person has to go back to work from 10 days to only 5 days, because Delta fucking Airlines asked them to, that was the final nail in the coffin for any belief I might have held that we live in a society and not a business.
That's definitely the point where everything completely broke. Started with Biden declaring mission accomplished July 4th 2020 (weird how he had to declare mission accomplished again this summer lmao).
CDC's first fuck up was claiming N95s were unnecessary. Don't care what justifications libs give for this, there's still people wearing cloth masks and surgical masks thinking they're protecting themselves and others when the evidence suggests they're doing the bare minimum above free balling it.
It was even worse than that, they spread FUD on masks not doing anything at all