He was very adamant that this is the case, but he's not some dipshit who gets all his info from reactionary sources, so I'm wondering where he got that specific number from. Anyone heard of it? The "60 years behind" thing I mean?
That's pretty much what I was thinking yeah. I'm fairly certain he got this from someone at his job, where they build all sorts of hi-tech electronic shit for fucks know who or what.
Just wondering where it originated from, I did a google on it and literally nothing showed up. So I suppose someone he works with just pulled it out of their own ass and he fell for it?
As soon as they hand it off to the factory in China to produce, it sure ain't gonna stay a secret. ;) Six months later the market will be flooded with copies and they won't have a leg to stand on because they think American laws extend everywhere on the planet.
he might be quoting some decade old estimate on semiconductors or something idk
It’s “nice” to hear that the DPRK isn’t the only country accused of having entirely fake cities.
When I hear about the fake cities in DPRK nonsense I'm reminded of the Mitchell and Webb look skit where they're trying to figure out how to fake a moon landing, and decide that it would be more convincing and easier to just pop up to the moon and film it there.
Shit that sucks, I have people in my family as well who are impossible to talk to because of shit like that.
My friend in question here is not like that though, which is why I was so surprised. I mean, he wouldn't be my friend at all if this was what he usually does.
Last year he told me he always carries a gun when walking his dog because he heard that dogs started disappearing after a Chinese family moved into his building. Implying that the Chinese family was taking people’s dogs to eat.
Sure makes one feel safe to just be existing Chinese-Americanly in the USA with all these stable geniuses running around.
Last year he told me he always carries a gun when walking his dog because he heard that dogs started disappearing after a Chinese family moved into his building
sanest american conservative
What did they even need MK Ultra for when the US propaganda machine is already capable of this level of :brainworms: on a regular basis?
I think MK Ultra is the reason the propaganda machine is this good.
From what I've read about it it sounded like a bit of a disaster, but I'm sure they wouldn't tell us the good shit.
pretty sure those experiments are they everyone is so docile and complacent while the world around us collapses
I doubt they had good enough experimental controls to get useful data and were basically just torturing random people, but even a result of negative provides useful information. People are often incredulous that so much research was done on ESP and psychic powers, but up until that point no one had actually done the research, so it wasn't actually known if there was anything to it or not.
From what I understand WWII was the real impetus for modern advertising and propaganda. A lot of money and resources were put in to researching the psychology of propaganda, and then after the war all the people in the propaganda departments went to work in marketing (or the CIA) and now we have pop up ads.
yeah, it's crazy how much we're just living in the aftermath of WW2 after 80 years
what is propaganda about a literal picture of a city lmao
Wew lad. I know there are some CHUDs on my side of the family, but I haven't had to deal with any of that (yet).
And now I feel bad, even though I'm still completely disgusted. Weird how that works huh? Being human is a fucking trip
But how'd they even produce such high quality propaganda having presumably never heard of electricity?
Holy shit the Guangzhou metro area is 65 MILLION PEOPLE.
How would you even measure that? Consumer electronics sales? What year is the TV from? How many TVs do 1.4 billion people need to catch up with how many TVs per 0.3 billion people? How many HDR TVs per 4K TV? How many average TVs per meter of high speed train? It's just nonsense on its face.
How would you even measure that?
Pretty much what I was thinking. I'm sure you could twist some numbers into fitting that definition, but yeah.
He did kinda start getting into that, but I managed to cut that shit off by asking him why that would even matter. He didn't have an answer.
Meritocratic thinking. But of course almost no one doing the hard work of implementing solutions and solving problems in tech is adequately compensated relative to the profits their work creates.
I mean actual solutions, not like apps and shit.
I love that complaint.
Like yeah? So? If you don't like it manufacture your shit in America. Imagine giving a shit about Intellectual property theft.
Oh no! China is stealing all our military secrets!
Good, maybe they'll build military hardware that will make Washington think twice about starting a genocidal, apocalyptic WWIII.
Yeah, it was just very weird and completely out of character for him. Even though he's not a "leftist", he's very level headed and wouldn't usually fall for something like this.
So that made me wonder if this is an actual lib talking point that I just happened to miss, or if someone was making shit up as they were going along. The latter seems more plausible.
My understanding is that as of this year they abruptly and unexpectedly jumped two or three generations and are not either at the cutting edge or just behind it. something about 7nm chips?
This is a bizarre take. All you need to dispel this myth is to download Douyin and just watch Chinese TikToks for a few minutes. Talk to actual normal Chinese people. Go to Shanghai and tell me it's 60 years behind the West. Even in like, basic consumer electronics China is at parity or above the West in many instances. Using a Chinese fruit cleaning device or a soymilk machine is a far more "futuristic" experience than a Western toaster.
Pretty much every tech site you go to is rabidly anti china especially in the comments.
It is always 1980 and therefore China is always in the nascent stages of industrialization following a horrific civil war.
I literally said "tell that to the hypersonic carrier killers" lol
China also has breathable air
as in, air that isn't infested with a Ft. Detrick bioweapon that handicaps 10-30% of people that breathe it in
It's okay. My friend assures me that those don't actually work and even if they did carrier group air defense can stop them and even if they can't they don't have enough range and even if they do...
I've seen people using this argument for why nuking Russia would be perfecly fine. Apparently none of their ICBM's work, so they wouldn't be able to retaliate.
Liberals live in a world of fantasy.
Europe is 10 years behind north america
The only thing where Europe is behind NA is in tearing down social services for neoliberalism. But even then they're like 30-40 years behind, they're not even close to the level of decay in USA/Canada.