Thats what I want out of my life. What I wanna do with my time here. However you wanna put it.
This isnt inspired by anything bad that happened to me, I was just talking with another comrade about something they've got going on, and I realized that these are the words to convey what I want to do with my life.
That's really all. Nothing deeper to say at this point.
I want to join that world now because I'm crying right now as I'm typing this. This has how today has been...
Yeah, estrogen makes my crying happen a lot more automatically, especially with how stressful things have been, but I'm trying to flush it out with funny stuff and good music.
There will be welcome tears of joy! There will be even more pungent foods! We will breed new kinda of brassica vegetables! A better world is possible!
On the contrary, I'm on so much antidepressants that I physically cannot cry.
Trust me, you don't want that.
I realized in my 20s that if I could really be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, I wanted to be a Fairy Godmother or Undercover Angel.
I genuinely love nothing more than truly helping someone, either blessing them with care and attention or actual assistance or whatever.
I wish we lived in a world that treasured and fostered that impulse towards care and help. What a magical place that would be.
I hope we will get to build it together. ❤️
We will finally crush the twentieth century with our bare hands! removed externally hosted image
I think that's a good way of putting it. It's a way of thinking about our ideals that really stirs the soul. The joy of seeing others free of many of the oppressions that hold them down, able to freely flourish.