• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Architects can’t make buildings out of poetry

    Things said by people who absolutely do not understand the Elder Scrolls.

    My brother in Chim a bunch of monkeys dancing on a tower once fundamentally changed the nature of god going backwards and forwards in time. Adlmer battlemages are fighting an eternal war at all points in time with a big stompy robot. Sometimes the Dragon God of Time just forgets to do causality for a while. Some dude was so arrogant that he transcended the already flimsy reality of Nirn. The Thalmor are working on believing reality isn't real so hard it isn't. Something happened to the Dwemer and no one knows what, but it may have involved weaponized atheism in a world where the gods will just show up and fuck with your for fun. There are like 16 different kinds of sentient cats and which kind of cat you get is based on the phases of the moons, which are the rotting corpses of the god of corporeal reality, who is dead but probably isn't dead. Sometimes the god of madness rains cheese on people for fun.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 months ago

        Go hang out at /r/TESLore for a bit. A lot of this stuff is hidden in game books, or it's in the game proper but you need to read dusty tomes and talk to weird mystics and gods to get the context to understand what you're seeing. The seemingly mundane world is paper thing.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Completely irrelevant to the gameplay and stored away in books, mainly. Not a single thing there substantially applies to gameplay other than the very last one (kind of).