Not my screenshot but found the source

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    The problem isn't that. Most communist figures have acknowledged that political power comes from the barrel of a shooty-stick, at the end of the day.

    The problem is assholes using it as a cliche truism to excuse them being assholes, from past empires/states to smug right wing Redditoids like this guy. It's always wielded as a cudgel by people who consider themselves confidently speaking from a position of power to begin with (or so they think), knowing that if they were the ones on the receiving end, they'd be whistling a different tune.

    (Ironically, Hitler is the poster boy for what this kind of thinking leads to AND is one of the few exceptions where he conceded that Slavs were the master race once the Red Army was closing in on Berlin, and that Germans deserved their "impending" extermination. No, I won't hand it to him for being a good sport.) :dril:

    • NPa [he/him]
      2 years ago

      "Ah mein Gott, ze Slavish Untermenschen must be the true Chosen Ones, destined to wipe out all other races and rule eternal!" :pit:

      "wtf you weird nerds, why would anyone want to do that?" :soviet-hmm: "please get ready for GDR-ification" :josus-stalin: