So I work at this warehouse that salvages old technology, like when a company gets rid of stuff they send it to us and we sort out what's scrap and what's valuable. Sometimes, we get random office supplies like stress balls or desk organizers or whatever, and generally we either throw them out or swipe them to have at our workstations.

Well, today I was going through a box and I found some weeb stuff, like anime posters and stuff. There was a big Monster Hunter: World book, a book about sushi, one about Edward Snowden, just random stuff. Then I see a book with Lelouch from Code Geass with his hand on Suzaku's chest, and at first I think it's just an art book because the official Code Geass art is super homoerotic, but nope. Turns out, I found someone's porn stash. And it's all in mint condition (thank god).

So like, rationally, I should just throw it away, right? But then goblin brain just starts screaming at me, "You have to save the yaois!" It's not even, like, if I just wanted that stuff I could buy it, but like, gay porn that I stole from work is like, that's a fucking magic item. It's like, the story, the bragging rights, it's just this impulse. Also I hate throwing stuff away especially when it's like brand new, and the (sfw) Monster Hunter book looks like I could sell it for like, $80 or something if I could get it out. So for now I just put it in an inconspicuous box.

Should I do gay crime??? I would have to get it past security, but they're mostly concerned about metal items. Should tell someone I found "some books" and see if I can get permission? Should I just forget about it because it's dumb and irresponsible??? Help.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    2 years ago

    I don't know the official policy, but generally everything that isn't an asset or at least metal recycling gets thrown out. We throw out a lot of laptop bags, for example, and even some stuff like graphics cards and drawing tablets are considered scrap, because we deal in bulk and I guess they're too much trouble to deal with, and the offices we resell to generally aren't interested.

    If graphics cards aren't worth the trouble, books definitely aren't, and porn books super extra definitely aren't. However, a lot of the time, when a company wants to get rid of something, they want it in the trash, and not going home with employees. Informally, we can keep stuff like office supplies or stress balls at our desks, but I don't know if that extends to leaving the building, and I've felt awkward about it in the past.

    It doesn't really make sense to me that I could take something like the MHW book and sell it online and make more money than I'd be making in the same time at my job, but instead they'll very likely tell me to just throw it in the garbage. But that's capitalism ig.