
  • anoncpc [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    It’s so damn bad. These so call “leftish” in the west are somehow go crazy in this war, and becoming war hawks day by days that f*cking Tucker Carlson call them out

      • anoncpc [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Bernie, other than decent take on Cuba, don’t have any expectations for the dude that advocate for bombing Yugoslavia. Expect more from the “squad”, truly pathetic

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      If anything, it's exposing who's really a leftist and who just jumped on the bandwagon to shock their family members.

    • dead [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Tucker is a fascist. He espouses fascist ideology every night. He has guests on his show that are fascists. He's had guests on his show actually say that they're going to do fascism and that they have to do it because the left has gone too far. He tailors the image of his guests so that they appear more palatable. He very enthusiastically supported Kanye West while editing out the blatantly antisemitic parts. There was a scandal where Fox fired one of Tucker's staffers because he got posting fascist things on fascist internet forums. Tucker is a fascist.

      You should seriously reconsider what you said. You just said that a fascist was right about leftists. Tucker was not speaking in good faith. Tucker was not telling the truth. Tucker was disparaging what he considers to be left because he's a fascist. If you see a fascist say something and you find yourself agreeing with them, you seriously need to reevaluate yourself as a leftist.

      • anoncpc [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        He’s a fascist, yes. But if a fascist call you out for his audience base that you being war hawks, you should reevaluate yourself as a leftish. Especially the one that has large follower base in Congress whom vote to pump more money to actual fascist.

        • dead [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Tucker was not speaking in good faith. Tucker is not against the war. Tucker is against supporting Ukraine because he supports Putin unironically.

          • anoncpc [comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            He was not speaking in good faith. But some one on the left in the west that have large base need to step out and go against the war. The latest AOC stunt was horrendous, and let fascist like Tucker to take the anti war narrative is pathetic.

            • dead [he/him]
              2 years ago

              By "the latest AOC stunt", you mean the Tulsi Gabbard redditor crank yelling at her? The stan of Tulsi Gabbard who thinks that the left is being destroyed by cancel culture?

              Again Tucker is not antiwar. You are being fooled. Tucker is pro-Russia. He doesn't want ukraine to receiving funding because he supports Russia. Russia is also reactionary and not good and not the USSR.

              Fascists have tried to hijack leftists movements since the beginning of fascism. That's what fascists do.

              • anoncpc [comrade/them]
                2 years ago

                I mean the redditor that said she indirectly pushing us closer nuclear war with a nuclear nation by pumping money into a fascist govt. I think that more important than Tulsi bit. Like seriously, you need to reevaluate yourself if you think pumping more money into Ukraine is a good idea, and not seeking a diplomatic result, like Clare Daly and Mick Wallace. A least the latter using their platform and advocate for diplomatic solution, stop the pumping money and weapons, what the “squad” has done other than towing the state dept line and pumping more money for the fascist govt in Ukraine?

                • dead [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  I didn't say any of those things. To think that AOC is responsible or in control for this situation is ungrounded. The fact that the redditor is a Tulsi fan, who is a right wing grifter, should have been a clue for you. Tucker uses AOC as the punching bag of the left. Tucker is only saying that the US shouldn't give funding to Ukraine because he support Russia. Tucker also brings up that the money would be better spent in America, which he is also lying about because he opposes help working class people. He's just lying.

                  Ukraine and Russia are both reactionary and right wing but there should not be a war because civilians are the victims. There are innocent people being killed.

                  Again Tucker is not antiwar, he supports Russia. He supports Putin. Tucker is not antiwar. He's not calling out warhawks. You are being fooled. You should recognize this because he's a fascist.

                  • anoncpc [comrade/them]
                    2 years ago

                    Again, what I asked is what Granit said, the "leftish" in congress, especially the squad should use their platform and advocate for an diplomatic off ramp against a nuclear nation as oppose itching closer to it by pumping money and silent about it. You know what a nuclear war mean, what a third world war mean? Dude, if those two break then no one give two sh*te about who fascist or who not, because we all gonna get annihilated.

                    • dead [he/him]
                      2 years ago


                      This is a clip of AOC saying that she doesn't want to support funding to ukraine because she's antiwar and she's worried about the military industrial complex


                      These are the 2 reactionary clowns that interrupted AOC. One is a Larouchite and the other is a magacommunism patsoc. :funny-clown-hammer:

        • dead [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Broken clocks are wrong 99% of the time. The correct response to finding yourself aligning with a broken clock is not just shrugging it off. The correct response is to be concerned at the very least. If I found that my clock was aligning with a clock that I know to be broken, I would check to see that my own clock was correctly aligned.

          Do you think that Tucker has actually listened to Chapo Trap House to see what they think? No. No. lmao. No he hasn't. He's just saying this to rile his base at leftists.

          In the longer clip, Tucker says that Chapo Trap House is asking for the US to nuke Russia and "calling for radical race war every day". He also says that Russia is the "real" oppressed people. Just pure brainworms.

          Tucker is not antiwar. Tucker is unironically pro-Russia. He's saying these things because he actually likes Russia and Putin, because Russia and Putin are far-right reactionary like he is.