I’m asking because climate change is fucking my shit up, has made my hometown a ticking time bomb, and everything in Puerto Rico is just so fucking depressing. I can’t take living here any more. Sure, I don’t feel lonely living with my parents but this near yearly post traumatic stressor of hurricane season, combined with the brutal austerity measures enacted by the Junta de shit eaters (aka the great Satan) has made living here a burden as we are victim to the worst capitalism has to offer.

I can’t do the whole ‘stay to fight the great satan’ thing anymore. Nobody actually cares anymore about the privatization, the strangling of the public and education sectors. All the cool young proles have left the fucking island and all that remains are rich failsons and libs. There is no commitment to any cause, if people were actually committed to independence we’d have more Albizu Campos and Bhagat Singhs. I can’t do shit anyways because I’m an immigrant despite growing up here.

I think I’m ready to move to the States on a permanent basis and I might have flexibility choosing where i want to go. I don’t mean to give up but my personal life has taken a toll here as friends keep on leaving and thE diversity and amount of people I meet is so low.

about myself: i am nb, I am dark skinned, i don’t like racists and bigots be they chuds or libs. What’s a place I can go to where i can thrive in my personal life and as a leftist?

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Chicago seems decent if you can handle the ridiculously cold winter months. That's where I plan on going in the next few years, because it isn't too different from where I currently live.

        • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
          2 years ago

          As an unofficial Chicago ambassador to Hexbear, please believe me when I say people don't eat that on the reg here. It's for when your friends from out of town come visit and insist on deep dish.

          The reality is, you can find any style of pizza at all here. Hell, just tonight I had a really great vegan chicken/bacon/cheddar/ranch pizza. I've got a slice in my hand right now.

        • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Deep dish pizza is good even if you have to consider it not pizza to cope with its existence, and I don't understand the hatred.

          All pizzas are great. Neopolitan, Sicilian, American, Slavic-countries that crack an egg in the middle sometimes, thin crust, thick crust, shitty fast food, shitty local places, nicer local places, fancy places, wood fired, coal oven, I don't care.

          Only exception is cheese on top of the toppings and Papa John's.

    • Deadend [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It’s good here. Leftist orgs and rent isn’t insane everywhere.

      I think long term it’s one of the least fucked placed in North America

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      2 years ago

      Literally all of my friends have moved to Chicago for different reasons over the past decade. It sure would be convenient to just make it the official city of hexbear so I could get all my visits done in one go.