Permanently Deleted

  • macabrett
    2 years ago

    It's almost impressive how many horrible outcomes people are able to hand-wave away under the pretense of "that happens to other people, not me"

    I'm chronically ill. Trust me, you do not want to become chronically ill in the process of "living your life". It will be the last time you "live your life" without being in complete and utter misery forever. Simple pleasures like "laying down" are a fucking nightmare for me. I rarely have the energy to cook or clean after work. Fees pile up as everything costs way more money if there's even a small step you can't easily do yourself (like picking up groceries).

    Take this seriously, everyone, I'm begging you. I'm like one chronic condition from no longer being able to work, thus being discarded by this evil country. You don't want to be like me.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]M
      2 years ago

      I'm sorry comrade. Thanks for warning us all. Btw is this covid related?

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        Nope, autoimmune diseases. I've been a hermit for 3 years.


        • FuckItNewName [they/them]
          2 years ago

          You’re not alone. The disabled community has been screaming this whole time, “hey you don’t want a large swath of your populace to suddenly be disabled. It really sucks.” And it’s just like no one cares.

          • macabrett
            2 years ago

            No one can really fathom it until it happens to them. It's driven me down some dark holes these past few years.

    • companero [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I had Lyme disease and still felt terrible for a long time after antibiotics. Feeling "wrong" and like you are never going to "return to normal" again is truly fucking horrible. You feel trapped in your own body. Thankfully I slowly improved, but I can't agree enough.

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        I'm so sorry you went through that. I had a childhood friend go through that with lyme dusease. Was about a decade of awful for him. He's finally feeling mostly better these days.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    I'm literally the most covid paranoid person I know in real life. But I need to point out that she's a fiction writer, and she's not directly citing any science articles.

    Yes, long covid is bad. My partner has it. Yes as fuck we should be masking, testing, and distancimg. But she may be going a bit too far.

    • dat_math [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I'm a biologist and she's correct about how covid affects endothelial tissue. IMO, it's 50:50 that (she's going just the right distance):(she's not going far enough)

        • dat_math [they/them]
          2 years ago

          sorry, I'm posting my hardest. I'm supposed to be documenting some protocols at work but instead I'm splitting my time between being here and getting banned from participating in r/news for dunking on climate deniers

          • ButtBidet [he/him]M
            2 years ago

            climate deniers

            I always imagined that, at some point, they'd all have to admit the jig was up. I wish I had 2% of their self confidence.

            • dat_math [they/them]
              2 years ago

              Nah, they're watching hurricanes get more intense every year or two and still manage to bury their heads in enough sand that they can't remember anything related to hurricanes since before katrina (therefore, none of it happened)

              There's also a lot of money in climate denial for the rightist grifters, and the rules of most online forums play into the whole, "if I can find a citation, no matter how reputable, my information is at least as truthy as the 5 peer reviewed research papers that contradict everything I proposed" mentality.

          • FuckItNewName [they/them]
            2 years ago

            No worries. I am also avoiding work by posting. Trading screen for screen. Thank you for what you’ve shared.

            • dat_math [they/them]
              2 years ago


              and thank you too! (and everybody else here!)

              This place feels like the last sane forum on the internet

      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        There's also no telling what the long term consequences will be until they happen. Polio can cause symptoms 20 years later, what if there's some post polio syndrome? And anecdotally i've heard from a nurse who says she's had tons of post- covid patients show up months after recovery and their lungs are full of clots

        • macabrett
          2 years ago

          I've definitely read some stories about lung scarring. Scary shit.

      • Soap_Owl [any]
        2 years ago

        Has anyone got an idea about long covid? That is a way diffrent mechanism than I had heared peoole talking about before. We got some science on it?

    • eatmyass
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • ButtBidet [he/him]M
        2 years ago

        I think it's very valid. Long covid is absolute shit and DOES happen after vaccination. Maybe it's a positive perspective from someone outside the scientific community.

        Sorry it's a bit knee jerk from me. These days I've become VERY jaded against randos spouting medical opinions. In the worst case, this is much better than nearly all of those.

  • FuckItNewName [they/them]
    2 years ago

    This makes me understand the need for China’s 0 Covid policy. I already understood, but I thought it was more like a large number of people being inconvenienced to save a number of people which is proportionately small but absolutely large from death. For whatever reason I’d heard about how awful it is for everyone else and even experienced long Covid symptoms and it just never clicked.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]M
      2 years ago

      Ya "living with covid" is just another word for "millions of your citizens will become disabled". Zero covid is positively humane.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    A few nights a go I was riding my bike past the local library, and glanced inside to see an entire fucking fundraising gala of some sort. There was a fancy dress party going on, everyone in formal wear and eating from big tables of snacks. There had to be two hundred people, and not a single one of them was wearing a mask.

    I just stared as I rolled past, mouth agape as a feeling of impending doom washed over me.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's like one of those many disaster movies where people in the movie act apocalyptically selfish.

    • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      I agree that the part about doctors just being automatons that just follow the lists someone else wrote felt off. I mean, are all doctors just supposed to throw shit at the wall to see what sticks? I agree that there are problems in the way we address new processes in healthcare, but having people that spend their time collating and disseminating the best practice is better than having everyone do it individually and reach different conclusions thus having ungodly amounts of redundant work being done when you could spend that time actually giving care. Honestly I give it another year before we just sorta give up masking all together in healthcare once the CDC declares it unnecessary, thus my issue with the "central" bit since it's half political, but my other points still stand.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Can we talk more about the random fast/hard heart beating? Certainly not asking because it’s a new thing my body’s been doing since I’ve gotten covid (at least twice now)

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      I have a similar symptom to you, but I think mine is from other things that aren't COVID. Regardless, that shit is fucking miserable, have a hug :meow-hug:

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Not a doctor, just a guy who has done a shitload of reading and gets that sometimes, so take this with a grain of salt. But there's a lot of shit going on behind the scenes of our minds that we're not privy to and they sometimes manifest in physiological reactions. Oftentimes, these physiological reactions happen in congruence with what your conscious mind is focused on, so instead of thinking, "Oh shit, my heart is beating fast." that heartrate increase never even registers with our conscious mind and we just behave excited. However, sometimes there's a dissonance between what we're consciously feeling and how our body is reacting to the world around us; Some subconscious aversion triggers a heart rate increase, and since the conscious mind isn't aware of why your heart is pounding it can lead to a feedback loop of freaking out, or iow a panic attack. Now I'm not saying your covid infection didn't cause this, just giving you a background, because the trigger can totally be something biological that we're not privy to as well. But, speaking from my own experience, if you know it's coming you can sometimes train yourself to bring it back down. I personally have one of those Xiaomi Mi Bands that I've got set to alert me if my heart rate pops over a hundred without detection of any strenuous activity. Sometimes it's just tech silliness where the sensor is detecting double my heart rate, but other times I can see it slowly climbing and then, before shit hits the fan, what I do is give myself a bit of a time out and ground myself. There's all sorts of techniques out there you can do (google grounding techniques), but mostly I just pause whatever I'm watching or excuse myself and then take a few minutes to focus on my breath. And here's the funny thing, sometimes once you've removed yourself from the distractions, you'll get a flash of what's causing it. I figured out that sometimes if I smoke weed in the evening of one of my days I run in the morning, my body will have flashbacks back to the run and if I close my eyes while I'm doing my breathing I can almost feel myself back in the run. On the other hand, I've also started to get a bit of a heart rate spike from certain scenes in Rick and Morty when I'm sober, so who fucking knows.🤷‍♂️😂

  • happyandhappy [she/her]
    2 years ago lmfao spiro and estradiol? and cbd according to that other thread ?? we can't stop winning can we folx

  • Soap_Owl [any]
    2 years ago

    :alex-supplements: said that the govermnet will use a plauge to kill off as many people as possible. The government says whatever you do, don't protect yourself from covid.

    This feels just a little too simple to be the eact pathway to me though. The body does dumber things so who knows though. It just looks like one of those twotter threads where people realize everything is technically a chemical. She could be right. It just looks like she is taking a relatively surface level similarity and is running with it. I could think of several similar sounding connectioks but I don't think there is much actual evidence to support anything since covid is still super new in terms of scientific study