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:jb-shining: .

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Today I'm thinking about how hard the Banderite Ukrainian Nationalists work to create the impression that socialism was entirely imposed on Ukraine by force, that no Ukrainian ever supported the USSR, and that "The Soviets" who crushed Bandera's insurgency and ended the Holocaust weren't as much comprised of soldiers from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as they were from anywhere else in the USSR.

    There were Seven Million Ukrainians in the Red Army during WWII. That's who crushed Bandera's shitty little Nazi insurgency and ended the genocidal killings of Poles and Jews.

    During the war there were only 20,000 Banderites and maybe 100,000 UPA paramilitaries. But those fascist murderers are the "Heroes of Ukraine" while the 7,000,000 Ukrainians who fought and bled to crush the fascist scum and denigrated and written out of history, their monuments torn down and defiled, their memory and sacrifice betrayed in service to Fascism.