I was good friends with this dude from like kindergarten all the way until the end of middle school but we went to separate friend groups in high school and just lost contact. When I was friends with him he was a right winger but his profile was recommended to me on Instagram recently and I saw he follows a bunch of Marxist accounts. I'm pretty lonely right now because a lot of my friends have either moved or I'm just not super close with. And a lot of my friends have somewhat good politics but none are explicitly Marxist. So I kinda want to reconnect with this old friend. So what I'm asking is would it be weird to try to reconnect and if not, what is the correct way to go about reconnecting (we don't have any mutual friends btw).

  • eatmyass
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • FidelStalin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      yeah i wasnt planning on that cuz i dont even follow him. We go to the same college and i saw him from a distance a few weeks ago so I'm thinking of just messaging him and being like "hey i saw you at school i know its been a long time but was wondering if youd want to hang out" you think thats a good opener?