I was thinking about this today, since I'm close to finishing the game I'm currently playing. I think this year will end up being 4 games for me, though they're JRPGs so it takes me a while longer (and I usually try to 100% games I like)

Finish can also just mean play until you're satisfied too. So maybe a better question is how many games do you usually play each year?

As far as online games go, I'm also playing Splatoon 3 and Overwatch 2

  • spicymangos51 [she/her]
    2 years ago

    For the past two years I've been recording the titles of games I beat ever year, this year I'm at 23 (2021 I counted 25 so seems I'm going the same pace). It's like my pet project to help get thru my back log. My secret is to play a few games at once, some short ones to help with motivation, and a longer one on the side.

    Sometimes never ending games can be tricky so I kinda come up with an end goal, like if it's a farming game, getting thru the first year.