These are the desperate shitheads who aren't happy unless every female character is some anime moon-faced borderline child wearing a bikini with wild bouncing tits.
Once, just once, I want a game to do this with dick physics. An otherwise mainstream and “normal” game. Don’t advertise it. Just ambush with it. The reactions would be maximum lol.
Realistic fluid physics for blood distribution as the protagonist goes half-mast in the middle of a cutscene but his balls flail all over the place due to faulty collision physics
I'm imagining an immersive sim with an obscure upgrade that removes your character's pants. After that, if you're able to move just right your character can helicopter dong it and fly short distances.
These are the desperate shitheads who aren't happy unless every female character is some anime moon-faced borderline child wearing a bikini with wild bouncing tits.
*boobs wildly flail around in every direction with no respect to gravity*
Once, just once, I want a game to do this with dick physics. An otherwise mainstream and “normal” game. Don’t advertise it. Just ambush with it. The reactions would be maximum lol.
Realistic fluid physics for blood distribution as the protagonist goes half-mast in the middle of a cutscene but his balls flail all over the place due to faulty collision physics
Lmao do it a sword game so there can be interactions between blood loss mechanics and erection strength.
“WoKe EA not LeTtInG mE gEt HarD If I lOsE ToO mUcH BloOd”
No More Heroes 4
They were :soypoint-2: over horse dick mechanics in RDR2, so…
I'm imagining an immersive sim with an obscure upgrade that removes your character's pants. After that, if you're able to move just right your character can helicopter dong it and fly short distances.