• Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    This is why I will always prefer the comic Valhalls portrayal of the Norse gods over any other(this and nostalgia), all the gods look like fancy dressed rich people that do supernatural shit(that most often isn't an inherent ability of theirs but instead they use magical tools or perform magical spells as anyone would conceivably use magical spells).

    Makes for a very interesting world where the gods and the realm of the gods are supposed to be very much close to us and they cross over frequently, yet they are still gods. Emphasizes the more unique parts of the mythology compared to forcing them into a classic pantheon box.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, theres a specific goddess called Idun who grows the apples and seems to be the only one that knows how to grow the apples or cause their old age reversing effect.

          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
            2 years ago

            That would be Freja/Freya, apparently there are some theories that they are one and the same but Freja is already a goddess involved with a ton of shit, outside of just beauty, love and magic shes supposed to be on kind of an equal level to Odin, she has her own hall and field of battle where one half of all the dead warriors go, while the other half go to Valhalla and Odin.