"The case for making journalism free"
"...at least during the 2024 election"
Lol shit I've been saying this for years. It should be illegal to charge access to news.
It tastes really dystopian to me.
Suppression of news is how you get a flu that most likely started in Kansas, USA (or if not that, East Asia) to be called the Spanish Flu.
But only if you know one weird trick that the news papers don't want you to know.
But seriously, it is a filter on non web-savvy individuals, the exact type of people who need to hear truth the most.
Now you’re faced with that old dilemma: to pay or not to pay. (Yes, you may face this very dilemma reading this story in The Atlantic.)
"Finding a way to bypass drinking the verification can is literally stealing from the game developers."
paywalls basically all "real" news
they cry everyone is getting their news from tiktok and facebook and hexbear and it's all dis/misinformation
wants all those things banned and policed, maybe considers just maybe making the news free for a few months to push propeganda