yup, struggle session time

edit: no one is right, everyone is wrong :^)

edit 2: this post is actually dedicated to Amy Goodman, please stop trying to sound cool grandma

  • gay [any]
    4 years ago

    Tell me, is misgendering nonbinary people worth your discomfort in changing one letter? Is including every gender in your discussions ineffective?

    People associate it with wokelibs, who cares. People also associate it with degenerate LGBT people who will "groom children" and feminists who want to kill all straight men. Or crazy people who "believe there are more than two genders".

      • gay [any]
        4 years ago

        Gender inclusive language proposes to use the x or the e for any term that refers to a group of people of more than one gender or anyone of undefined gender.

        El autor de esta obra es un desconocido.

        Turns into:

        Le autore de esta obra es une desconocide.


        Lx autorx de esta obra es unx desconocidx.

        Another example.

        Los estudiantes deben estar preparados para el examen

        Turns into:

        Les estudiantes deben estar preparades para el examen.


        Lxs estudiantes deben estar preparadxs para el examen.

        Gramatical gender of non-human things is irrelevant. It's just another language feature like the number.