yup, struggle session time

edit: no one is right, everyone is wrong :^)

edit 2: this post is actually dedicated to Amy Goodman, please stop trying to sound cool grandma

    • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
      4 years ago

      I really hope you start thinking outside of that reactionary garbage and care enough about women, queer and nb people, even if it's incovenient for you. Goodnight.

        • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
          4 years ago

          1st off lbtqetc masks you off a bit, doesn't it?

          2nd, I'm queer dude and fuck not helping women-queer-nb feel included. If you wanna have a convo about what's the best way to say latinx, feel free to discuss it w-respect with feminist/queer progressive groups, but you'll have to accept that inclusive language is not staining The Sacrosant Spanish Language first.

            • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
              4 years ago

              Aaaand now you're mix-and-matching another complicated flame war of queer/LGBTTI+ with this. Only thing that matters now to remind everyone: This is not "crackers and rich kids", it's socially conservative and/or ignorant people trying to push the good 'ol "PROGRESSIVE POLITICS ARE BEING PUSHED DOWN OUR THROATS!!! MY PRONOUNS ARE BLAH AND BLEGH, GENDER IDENTITY ATTACK HELICOPTER", but since this is a leftist space, they're trying to sell it to you with this incredibly paper-thin narrative about "Whitey secretely manipulating feminists and progressive groups to do things against their good, latinx nature". Come on people, we're not aliens. We're people just like you, flawed and everything. There's no "right way to say" anything, it's all socially constructed.

                • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
                  4 years ago

                  This constructions supersede yours because yours is a forced binary on people, who thankfully have started to move past forced binaries. Maybe you can peddle this crap on the right, but on the left, there's only so much "bourgeois" and "colonial" you can pepper about in your speech before people start picking up on your bullshit, just like we're struggling so it happens in here too.