Hope everyone has been doing well since the last one! If you've got something cool going on, this is the place to talk about it! Or if you need an ear, we're here for that too. :soviet-heart:

Rough past few days with me, but I'm feeling better. Gotta go take my dad to the doctor tomorrow, he's getting up there in age and it's just something I'm sensitive about. Also working through some emotional issues. Romance is dumb. Spent most of yesterday being nonverbal towards everybody, but I took the corg out for a long walk and then we chilled at a bar together while I did band stuff. She can sense something isn't right and has been extra snuggly (which is a lot).

Hope the person that's reading this is doing really really great.

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I really like these check in threads, but I don't like how much time I spend on here. Since I moved my social life has evaporated and while every day is fine on its own, I feel like I don't really know where I'm going. I love my girlfriend so much and she gives me so much comfort and support but I don't like putting all of this emotional weight on her. I want to make real friends in this new place so I can get out of my apartment (and not be on here all the time, sorry yall), but especially since I quit drinking it's been very hard for me to relax and socialize in groups. On a day to day basis I'm doing fine but I need to get out of this place as fast as possible. Also now that I live in a rural place I can't find a job because everywhere requires "reliable transit only" (fucking car culture) and I can't bike 3 miles down the highway in the snow to get to an 8 hour shift at a restaurant. My crockpot just fucking died with a bunch of food cooking in it yesterday too so that's 5 days of meals gone and no way to meal prep my usual recipes. Given my budget rn it is the season of rice and beans, babydolls.

    Update: crockpot not dead, things have improved.