Hope everyone has been doing well since the last one! If you've got something cool going on, this is the place to talk about it! Or if you need an ear, we're here for that too. :soviet-heart:

Rough past few days with me, but I'm feeling better. Gotta go take my dad to the doctor tomorrow, he's getting up there in age and it's just something I'm sensitive about. Also working through some emotional issues. Romance is dumb. Spent most of yesterday being nonverbal towards everybody, but I took the corg out for a long walk and then we chilled at a bar together while I did band stuff. She can sense something isn't right and has been extra snuggly (which is a lot).

Hope the person that's reading this is doing really really great.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    2 years ago

    I'm visiting my chud family in like 2 weeks and I've been having arguments in my head with them like every day and even in my head it's pointless and unproductive :wall-talk:

    I'm sure if we end up arguing over anything, it won't be anything I can predict anyway, it'll be whatever dumb nonsense the news fed them lately. Last time it was blaming immigrants for Covid, which I wasn't even aware people were doing :joker-amerikkklap:

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I really like these check in threads, but I don't like how much time I spend on here. Since I moved my social life has evaporated and while every day is fine on its own, I feel like I don't really know where I'm going. I love my girlfriend so much and she gives me so much comfort and support but I don't like putting all of this emotional weight on her. I want to make real friends in this new place so I can get out of my apartment (and not be on here all the time, sorry yall), but especially since I quit drinking it's been very hard for me to relax and socialize in groups. On a day to day basis I'm doing fine but I need to get out of this place as fast as possible. Also now that I live in a rural place I can't find a job because everywhere requires "reliable transit only" (fucking car culture) and I can't bike 3 miles down the highway in the snow to get to an 8 hour shift at a restaurant. My crockpot just fucking died with a bunch of food cooking in it yesterday too so that's 5 days of meals gone and no way to meal prep my usual recipes. Given my budget rn it is the season of rice and beans, babydolls.

    Update: crockpot not dead, things have improved.

  • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    There's like a 90% chance that I'm getting divorced. Some shit just isn't fixable no matter how much we want it to be. It's been dominating my every thought and the one person I could normally talk to about this level of emotional shit is the one person I can't. I can't work any more so I don't even have a shitty job to distract me. I don't know how I'm supposed get through this while staying sober. So far I've managed to just smoke a lot of weed but holy fuck is the bottle calling. At least the meds I'm on make it harder to addicted....

  • Donut
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      Was in a similar mood yesterday, comrade. If you ever need an ear, holler. Hopefully it will pass for you :soviet-heart:

  • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    DST ending is absolutely wrecking me this year. There are no windows in my department at work, so I see the sun for 15 minutes during my morning commute and maybe 30 minutes during lunch, 40 if I'm lucky. I think I need to find a job that's at least partially remote because I'm going to have a very difficult time doing anything productive until March. Going to try to clean the house a bit today, hopefully a neater living space will help with my mood.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Is it possible in your situation to get up and do something outside before work? I usually wake up a couple hours before I have to go in and I find I always feel better all day if I walk my dog right after waking up and go into work already feeling like I accomplished something.

      If not then I hope you get the change you need.

      • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I'm going to try to start taking my dog for longer walks in the morning, although she will probably resist pretty hard once it starts to get cold because she's an old lady haha

        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          2 years ago

          aww, sounds cute. Mine is still a puppy so I have the opposite problem of her trying to get me to do another lap around the neighborhood when I really have to leave for work.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I'm really frustrated with how hot it is in the middle of autumn. It's making me stressed and it's hard to do stuff.

    Trying to make music, doing experimental stuff like running mangets over tape reels and hooking springs to guitar pickups. Thought I'd be done with this album by now, but I can't affording mastering for another 3 months anyway lol.

    Been considering moving to Philly eventually. That's all that's up with me. I hope you're doing ok!

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      Yeah, we've hit our cold snap here. Finally really feeling like fall. Album sounds cool! I know people around here who do a lot of prepared guitar stuff like that. DM me and I'll drop a link!

      I'm doing OK. Dad is in danger of losing his foot and has some bone conditions returning. Just a stark reminder of mortality that I've always been low key dreading through my life. Beyond that, I've been finding myself hanging around more poly couples as time goes by, and I'm questioning some past behaviors through the lens of "huh maybe I'm poly" and dealing with feelings I've been having towards someone who isn't my partner. I also have to take into account that my partner, while things are great between us, has been switching brain meds and is getting REALLY fucked up by that, so maybe I'm just craving attention.

      Spent from Sunday night to yesterday evening just absolutely sad, mopey, nonverbal, and just laying on the couch staring at the wall most of the day until 4. Taking the corgi out and eating some food brought me back to life, and I'm much better today. Just gotta take care of my dad tomorrow, and then figure out "hey, Corg, why are you....the way you are?"

  • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Gotta say I really recommend not getting the current strain of COVID. I got it previously back in january, but this time around it really fucking sucks. I didnt have a cough the first time but the one I have now sucks.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Waiting on a response for my application for a rescue hamster. The one I was looking at already had someone in line for an application but there were 3 others who all looked adorable as well

  • iie [they/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    the brain fog is fucking debilitating. i'm gonna have to give up on some dreams at this rate.

      • iie [they/them, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Thank you, I hope so too. I'm gonna see a doctor. I'm eating healthy, sleeping, exercising, but I still feel like I can't think or focus and my working memory is shot. And the anxiety about the brain fog feeds right back into the brain fog in a vicious cycle.

          • iie [they/them, he/him]
            2 years ago

            Thank you and congrats on getting clean!

            I think one of my medications may have done this, coupled with years of social isolation, internet addiction, a sedentary lifestyle, and adhd. I wish I just knew what to expect. Do I have brain damage or not? Is this brain fog something a healthy brain can experience for a long time under the right conditions? Can I recover? The uncertainty makes it so much harder to cope with

            • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
              2 years ago

              Can totally relate. Sometimes I think about my memory and attention span and wonder "what the fuck happened to me?" Fortunately, people who have gotten off the same substance (weird internet drugs, mirite?) have said it does get better, but unfortunately, I was taking this shit for close to a decade so it's gonna be a long time.

  • spring_rabbit [she/her]
    2 years ago

    A little bummed that I won't be able to visit my family for Thanksgiving, a lot relieved that I won't start any arguments by being a commie. Last time my parents visited it got real tense when my dad learned I was studying Chinese.

    And last year there were way too many awkward comments about my bf not being white...

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    2 years ago

    can't talk rn, i've got about $150 riding on the elections rn so my brain is rapidly turning into mush :stonks-down:

    best wishes to you and your dad and your dogy tho

  • D61 [any]
    2 years ago

    The good: I just drank a Mt. Dew that I think was supposed to be flavored as Fruit Cake. It was definitely a mistake and my stomach is very unhappy, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

    The bad: Drug my ass to the local electoralism station and partook in the civic religion.

    The uguly: Sick doggo... might be rabbit fever ...might be terminal bone cancer. We'll see how he feels after being on antibiotics for a few days. :shrug-outta-hecks:

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      Holy shit best wishes to your pup. The first corgi I cared for was born with a terminal kidney condition, so I can relate to the pain. Sending love :stalin-heart:

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      Eh, I've posted my own stuff plenty, and I mod the music comm. If you ever feel comfortable posting it, we'd love to hear, but completely understand the hesitation.

      I think a lot of people, of the ones who post in c/music (myself included here) just kind of quickly post something that they're currently listening to, and then move on. I've got a few things I could do some effortposting with for c/music, but like - a field guide to my favorite dead punk rocker's work, or an in-depth analysis of guitar amps is some shit that's HIGHLY specific and probably something most people would go "ok aight" and pass over.