I know this community has been pretty dead since it was created but I figure there's probably some lurkers. Whenever I comment on reddit, particularly on a default sub, I always feel the need to adjust the wording to make my gender ambiguous. Obviously you guys are all most likely aware that casually mentioning that you're a women can and does completely change the response you receive on a post or comment. There's been times where someone asks my gender, I respond saying "I'm a woman" , and I literally receive half a dozen downvotes on that comment. Like I wonder if it's a bunch of immature teenage boys who have hitched a ride on the anti-sjw train or weather it's fully grown ass men who just find the existence of women on the internet to be a nuisance.

This has kinda turned into a rant but I suppose I'm especially aware of it now bc I have noticed posting here feels different, I don't feel the need to watch what I saw and be overly ambiguous about my gender just to avoid potentially nasty comments. Has reddit really always been that bad?

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I post more here now then I did there but I always felt comfortable on the chapo sub. It's really mostly the huge default subs that I find to be the worst.

    • scramplunge [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Me too. I just didn’t want to post all my leftists beliefs on a site that protects people who I know wanted to kill me and plus whenever I would go into post usually multiple users had already responded with what I would have replied.

      • lizbo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, I am careful to never indicate my location on the same account where I discuss political beliefs bc I live in chudville and am worried about how knowledge of my political opinions could affect my employment

        • _else [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          don't talk politics without a VPN or TOR.

          because its totally the left that suppresses free speech, which is why we need the same tech people use to buy drugs online and download kiddie porn to just say the shit we think.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    4 years ago

    You're not wrong. It's nice to not have to tiptoe around language to avoid a wave of dumb ass responses and I say that as a cis dude. Can't imagine how frustrating being a leftist woman on the internet must be.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Lol tbf I'm sure it's better than being a female chud and trying to participate in alt right communities online lmao

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Oh yeah I feel bad for them too. Societal pressure to go against our natural instincts and being a communal social species is like a really insidious form of complex PTSD.

        • lizbo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Yeah it's so strange to me how some women can passionately support people and communities that very clearly hate women. It's hard in general to see people advocating so blatantly against their own interests. And your PTSD comment has some truth to it, you really do become desensitized to it all. A perfect example is how I just kind of subconsciously realized that revealing my gender in certain reddit communities wasn't a great idea and I just kinda accepted it and moved on without ever thinking about it. It isn't until you take a little step back and realize it's all actually super fucking whack. Lol like wtf why do I even try and talk to these people

  • scramplunge [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Our society hates women. No one gets punished for hating women and standing up for women is not celebrated unless she is the CEO of Morgan Stanley. I’m glad this community has made you feel safe and welcome. All men should be doing that all the time.

    • followmarko [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Thank you. I had blues in the bottom hells of r/politics the other day arguing with me that women can lie sometimes so Biden is still a "decent man" because of that. Fuck Reddit's hivemind trash.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah this is so spot on. Especially regarding horny men invading unrelated spaces, I know subreddits like /r/abrathatfits had issues with a man (or perhaps even multiple men) messaging posters while posing as a fitting specialist and trying to get women to send them bra/boob pics. So fucking gross. Like there's plenty of spaces where women voluntarily post nudes for men to enjoy, it's so shitty they have to invade spaces like that. Ofc they probably don't bother with places like /r/gonewild bc it's likely the nonvoluntary/nonconsensual aspect that gets them off. Ugh gives me the creeps. Slightly unrelated but I've actually posted in /r/gonewild a few times in the past and, kinda funny, I had really good experiences and didn't receive any creepy or threatening pms or anything. Probably bc most guys who hit those subs up are there to interact with women they know are voluntarily participating. It makes sense most of the creeps who get off on violating women would stick to harassing women just trying to go about their daily lives.

  • SunshinePharmer [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think so. The minute reddit admins started bullying the sub, it went super downhill. Everyone was walking on eggshells and the humor and content suffered.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I feel like reddit in general has that feel

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's ridiculous. Misogynists feel brave when behind a computer monitor.

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Every time a headline documenting a woman's acheivement in science, a bunch of reddit stemlords come in and start whining about "why did they make it about gender", etc. I feel like a lot of these type of people feel threatened by women.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Lmao spot on, or "I'd bang her", "wouldn't be noteworthy if she wasn't a feeemale", "not even hot", etc. It's so incredibly predictable.