He thought he heard a gunshot, saw a black guy literally in jogging specific spandex with no possible concealed weapon, put his kid inside and jumped into his truck with a shotgun to chase the jogger down. He then held the jogger at gunpoint having never witnessed a criminal act and only thought he heard a gunshot and was never charged for the actual crime of detaining an innocent man at gunpoint. The guy he criminally detained claims to not hold a grudge but he literally lives in the town the guy was the mayor of and whose cops protected the mayor, so yeah of course he doesn't hold a grudge if he doesn't want to be targeted.
Fetterman also acts annoyed when asked about this like it's some settled thing, he sucks.
Wait what
He thought he heard a gunshot, saw a black guy literally in jogging specific spandex with no possible concealed weapon, put his kid inside and jumped into his truck with a shotgun to chase the jogger down. He then held the jogger at gunpoint having never witnessed a criminal act and only thought he heard a gunshot and was never charged for the actual crime of detaining an innocent man at gunpoint. The guy he criminally detained claims to not hold a grudge but he literally lives in the town the guy was the mayor of and whose cops protected the mayor, so yeah of course he doesn't hold a grudge if he doesn't want to be targeted.
Fetterman also acts annoyed when asked about this like it's some settled thing, he sucks.
Jesus. Men and their anger issues SMH my head
That was him!? Fuuuck.
But better than most of the Dems and far better than Oz.
Weird how those were our options.
I think he sucks but I think the magnitude of how much he sucks will be revealed in the coming years. I could be totally wrong but we'll see.
lol this is our Oz alternative, fuck penisvania
More like John Fetteredman
Because he should be in jail
Least fascist social democrat