:michael-laugh: :crab-party: :michael-laugh: :crab-party: :michael-laugh:

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    If his fans didn’t participate than he would just be an internet crank

    if this guy isn't stopped he's just going to keep going on air and lying about people to an incredibly gullible and reactionary audience. He isn't just an "internet crank." stop calling him a "scapegoat" who's "taking the fall" and pretending he's somehow a victim of oppression. He's making money off of making shit up. He gets 40k/month salary from Free Speech Systems (his corporation that employs several people) on top of having tons of stock investments and making millions off of ad revenue and product sales. His family are Texas oil millionaires. He got free money (not a loan) from his dad to start his "business." of getting people violently angry over lies. You are defending a bourgeois reactionary who goes on air and spews the 21st century equivalent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion every fucking day. When his audience of gullible and impressionable reactionaries truly believes his claims and sees that nobody is doing anything about the cabal of elite pedophile globalist crisis actors, they inevitably take matters into their own hands and innocent people get hurt. Also he actually paid a guy to harrass some people and advertise info wars at one point. Like actually listen to the case and you'll see this guy is an enormous slimeball. Every night lately he goes on air and cries about how he's bankrupt and gets tons of donations. He'll be fine. He's not even going to jail over this.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        how do you know that his audience members who went out and harassed people weren't also sued in separate cases? You assumed so many things. You assumed only 1 parent sued. There's 15 plaintiffs. You assumed alex jones is a "scapegoat" and that "the families aren't being helped by this" when they're the fucking ones who sued in the first place. all you have is weak :cope:. You're incredibly off base about this and keep digging in.

        alex jones went on air every night during his court case and claimed that the families who sued him were "being used as pawns." is this where you're getting this narrative? are you actually going to him for information about his case?

        EDIT: since you can't fucking research ANYTHING I looked into it. Alex Jones's rabid fans were sued for their harrassment of sandy hook victims on several occasions. For example, In 2017, Lucy Richards was sentenced to 5 months in prison for threatening Noah Pozner's life. She admitted in her guilty plea to being part of the active online community of Americans who believe that the Sandy Hook shooting was staged and that the victims and their mourning family members are only actors. So fuck off with this "alex jones is the only victim the audience members were the real perpetrators" demonstrably false BULLSHIT.

        EDIT 2: In June 2019, Wisconsin judge Frank Remington ruled that Pozner had been defamed by the authors of "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control." The 455-page book, published by Moon Rock Books, argued that the Sandy Hook massacre had never happened. In it, they claim several times that Pozner had faked his son Noah's death certificate. Pozner's submissions in the case included DNA samples that match those taken by a Connecticut medical examiner that prove Noah was his son. Additionally, he submitted Noah's birth certificate, report cards and medical records into the public record. The judge ruled that there was no question of fact in the dispute, and ruled in favor of Pozner in the libel case: that the co-editors of the book, James Fetzer and Mike Palecek, had defamed Pozner. "This is a victory for myself and my family" Pozner said in an interview. "It is also a victory for the survivors and victims' families of all mass casualty events who have been targeted by these people."

          • Tachanka [comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            you were wrong about this "not helping the families." since they are the plaintiffs

            you were wrong about one kid's parents suing him. there are 15 plaintiffs

            you were wrong about the audience members not being sued for their harassment and death threats. they were.

            you were wrong about alex jones being a "scapegoat."

            the courts are failing to properly handle this and this should be something like a rico case

            Why and how? This is the weakest :cope: yet. Christ almighty man you just can't fucking suck it up and admit you're full of shit can you? Have some fucking humility.

            go listen to the fucking court case you :funny-clown-hammer: . If the courts can be said to have "failed to handle this properly" it's because they're being TOO NICE TO HIM. They have been amazingly tolerant of alex jones's bullshit as he constantly waste's everyone's time, refuses to answer questions, launches into endless rants and non sequiturs, lies about evidence he cannot produce, uses his testimony to advertise his show, slanders the lawyers of the victims, says he "doesn't remember" discussing certain subjects on his show even as the prosecutors produce clips from his show as evidence, throws his employees under the bus and claims they did things without his orders even though he owns the fucking corporation and tells everyone what to do, lies about when people started and stopped working for him, alleges the existence of documents he cannot produce, etc. He even goes on his show between hearings to slander the entire case as being "kangaroo court."