Looking for a succinct primer for those politically disengaged folks who are tuning out because "both sides have gotten so mean". Obviously the contradictions are heightening but how do you ease in a materialist perspective when someone is already so exhausted by "bias"
It’s more like:
Dems: Labor aristocrats, international/financial bourgeoisie, proles stuck within Liberal ideology, managerial class, “creatives”, academics
Republics: Industrial/National bourgeoise, Petty bourgeoisie, alienated proles with confused reactionary ideologies, lumpens, self-employed “entrepreneurs” and the heavily religious
The system always has to artificially divide up proles against each other to survive, but the increasing polarization is happening due to a widening rift between the interests of the international/finance bourgies and the national/industrial bourgies, this rift is filtered down through proxy issues that the lower groups care about: LGBT rights, abortion, police brutality. The upper haute bourgies don’t actually care about any of these issues, but they cynically know their underlings do and use them to try and gain political and economic dominance against their bourgie rivals (they actually care more about imperialism, protectionism/free trade, taxes)