Need something good to watch tonight, any ideas? On netflix is good but ill rent something if it looks dope

  • ned_ludd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ya I saw Starship Troopers, it was great. I'm noticing just how much scifi must have been inspired by Total Recall. Seems like the first Matrix is essentially a rip off of it, surprised I never really heard of it before.

    Edit: also it's amazing how both movies somehow benefit from awful acting. Not sure why but it just works

    • charles_xcx [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I rewatched it a couple weeks ago and thought the same thing, there's even the 'red pill' lol. I haven't read it so idk how it compares to the movie, but it's based on a book by Philip K Dick who also wrote the books that Blade Runner, Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, and a bunch of other movies were based on.

      I think the acting helps to elevate the campiness of the movies, I think if they were more serious movies they wouldn't be as good lol