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  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    That's one thing I really love about Alien. No one at any point does dumb horror movie shit. They all behave in reasonable, believable ways for competent people from a working class background. They don't get killed because they'd dumb, or because of bad writing, but rather because they're truly being hunted by something far beyond their capacity to deal with. I like Aliens for the same reason - All the things that go wrong are believable given what we know about the characters.

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      (sorry late reply but i just rewatched alien 1). i forgot they had a small arsenal of firearms, one of which was a directed energy weapon (according to an entry in the script), but they leave them on the mess table.

      its a great "show don't tell" that they know they can't risk either putting a hole in their hull or cracking the xenomorh's skin.