• ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Occasional government enforced lockdowns along with widespread testing and tracking that makes it unlikely you’ll get covid?

    Or frequent self-inflicted lockdowns out of fear because of sky-high covid rates and also still catching covid?

    I know which one I’ll fucking take

    • dismal [they/them, undecided]
      2 years ago

      yeah, thank youwhat a fucking ridiculous assertion to make. just the anxiety and stress alone from living in the total shit hole of a country i (and i assume you too) are living in , will give me some kind of chronic illness i think. i cant count the nuumber of issues ive started having after this nightmare began and i never stop thinking about how they wouldnt even be there if i were literally anywhere sane and that generally tends to respect human life over capital

      fuck this place fuck it so hard every day i find myself fantasizing about some cool new action video game coming out, in which another 9/11 happens (involving just politicians and capitalists and etc....all fictional obviously) im so fucking over this goddamn fucking shit fucking garbage fucking place

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Seriously. I’ve somehow managed to avoid catching covid yet, but just the anxiety I have constantly about this has probably taken years off my life. My mental health was at a peak when the pandemic hit and earlier this year I checked into a psych hospital.

        The basic fact that not only has my government at best abandoned me and at worst tried to kill me, even the people around me every day don’t seem to care about my or anyone else’s wellbeing, and it’s fucking devastating.

        • dismal [they/them, undecided]
          2 years ago

          lucky you (not catching it).. im sorry you also can understand where im coming from though because the last few years it basically has felt like someones runnign the "hell simulator" on my consciousness from somewhere. i hope you are doing better after the psych hospital, coincidentally i had just come out of an inpatient setting that i had been in for like 2.5 months, when those first covid articles popped up (like the cusp of 2019/2020). ive had it twice and my mental state definitely feels worse, and whether or not its directly from the covid hardly even matters as its the way my mind has been functioning throughout the last year or two (this is after both of the infections).. im so just, for real, i cant believe anyone on this site is arguing that we need to just accept "this" essentially.... like why are you even a socialist (or anarchist) then? its just disappointing to be honest

        • dismal [they/them, undecided]
          2 years ago

          im really sorry you can relate though :-/ im just going to send good vibes your way, hope we both get through this shit (and i mean this word relatively, extremely relatively) unscathed :anarchy-heart: